There are two more sections available after you finish section 1. They are designed to teach you how to practice astrology in a more professional way. Check out the subjects below.
16 videos to help you understand the conctext of each lesson.
SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSWHY AN ASTROLOGY COURSE?Noonehasabetterchancetosucceedinlifethanthosewhocanpredictwhatthefutureholds.Forabettercollaborationbetweenluckandfate,free-will anddestiny,astrologicalknowledge,acquiredeasily,rapidlyandinafunway,willgiveyoutheopportunitytomasterimportanteventsandtoreachthetop of the mountain we call SUCCESS and that you will climb at your own pace, according to your exact needs and projects.HOW LONG DOES THE COURSE LAST AND HOW MUCH TIME WILL I HAVE TO PUT INTO IT?The16-lessonbeginner’s-to-advancedfirstsectionofthecoursehasoriginallybeenplannedtobecompletedin16weeks(onelessonperweek).Butthereis nopressureonthestudentand,ifyoufeelyouneedmoretime,itmaytakeyouuptoayeartoreachthelastlessonwithoutanyimpedimenttoyourexam anddiploma.Ifoundthataregular20-minutesessionperdaywasidealtocompletetherequestedworkinareasonablyshorttime.Buteveryoneis different and your daily schedule may or may not allow you much spare time to study astrology.WHAT DOES THE COURSE INCLUDE?There are 4 modules of 4 lessons each.Each module is made up of one book of four (4) lessons (in PDF file format)Thereareexercisestodowitheverylesson.TheyaretobereturnedtotheSchoolforcorrectionatthe endofthefourthlessonofeachmodule.Therearealso16videostowatchwhilereading.Seebelow for more details.The course is based on your own birth chartItisdrawnwhenyouenrolandwillbeusedthroughoutthecoursetohelpyoulearnhowtoreadandanalyseanychart,beginning with yours. I believe that learning from one’s own chart helps progressing much faster.Youcanchoosetoworkonanotherchartthanyourownbysimplymentioningitbyemailonceyouhavesenttheenrollmentform to the School from the link provided below.NOTETHATEACHMODULEISCOMPLETEANDSELF-SUFFICIENT.Duringtheentiredurationofthecourse,therewillbenothing to buy, unless you decide to do so for various reasons.How it worksDuringthetimeimpartedtoeachlesson,youmustreadtheproposedmaterialandsubjectAT YOUR OWN PACE. You will also have to do the requested exercises.Anonlineassignmentform(detailsavailableineachlesson)allowsyoutodotherequestedexercisesandemail themtotheschoolforcorrectionandcommentattheendofeachseriesoffourlessons.Onlyavailablewith options 2 and 3.ThefourthandlastlessonmoduleincludesyourFIRST DEGREE EXAM.Once satisfactorilycompleted,youwillbeawardedwithacertificateofficiallyattesting of your ability to cast and analyse a birth chart in a correct and efficient manner.Click here to access and download the first lesson for FREEHOW MUCH DOES IT COST?There are three options to choose from:Option 1 - All the relevant material without the corrections of your work Price: 149.00€CLICK TO ENROLOption 2 - All of the above + correction of your work as you progressPRICE: 360€CLICK TO ENROLOption 3 - All of what is included with Option 2, plus: - 8 half-hour sessions with Lucas to develop, explain and get help in any way during the entire section. - One session every fortnight to be completed over sixteen weeks. - Extra sessions to be arranged directly with Lucas if need be at a cost of 50€ each.PRICE: 1,050 €CLICK TO ENROLNOTE: There are two more sections available to students who complete section 1 successfully.
IntroductionHistory and anecdotesThe zodiacThe Ascendant and the HousesThe zodiacal periodsThe signs of the zodiacThe general tendency of your birth chartThe Fire elementThe Earth elementThe Air elementThe Water ElementThe PlanetsAstronomical correspondencesThe soul of the planetsThe principles of lifeThe planets in the signsThe Moon in the signsMercury in signsVenus in the signsMars in the signsJupiter in signsSaturn in signsUranus in the signsNeptune and PlutoNeptune in signsPluto in the signsThe HousesThe meaning of the HousesHouses and lifeThe symbolism of the Houses I to VIThe symbolism of Houses VII to XIIThe impact of the signs on the HousesHouses in signsThe Night HousesHouse I or Ascendant in signsHouse II in the signsHouse III in signsHouse IV in signsHouse V in signsHouse VI in signsDaytime HousesHouse VII in signsHouse VIII in the signsHouse IX in signsHouse X or MC in signsHouse XI in signsHouse XII in signsThe “natural” rulers of the HousesThe planets in the HousesThe rulers of your HousesSupplementary sectionThe rulers of the Houses in SignsSupplementary sectionThe rulers of the Houses in the HousesThe aspectsThe conjunctionThe SextileThe squareThe TrineThe OppositionThe InconjunctThe orbThe aspects and the HousesSupplementary sectionAspects between planetsThe conjunctionSextile and TrineSquare, Inconjunct and OppositionAspects between the rulers of the HousesHarmonic aspectsDissonant aspectsThe aspects with the angular Houses cuspsSupplementary sectionThe planets in the HousesEnd of the first sectionFIRST DEGREE EXAM The result of the exam will give you access to the second and third sections of the course.
- Section 2 Learnhowtoforecastusingtheinfluencesofthe planets in transits around the zodiac. Learntoanalyse“SOLARRETURN”chart,aforecasting techniquethatcoversaone-yearperiodbetweentwo succeeding birthdays. The cost of that second section is 557€.- Section 3 (in preparation)Learntoanalysesynastries(comparisonbetweentwo charts), Learn about medical astrologyLearn about world astrologyLearnaboutchildastrologytobetterunderstand children and enhance their natural potentials). Thatthirdsectionofthecourserequiresalotofwork forthestudentandfortheteacherwhohastoread, correct, and/or comment the student’s work. Veryfewreachthatthirdlevel.Veryfewfinishthe secondonesuccessfully.Astrologyiseasytostartwith, butitbecomesmoreandmorechallengingasone progresses and discovers how extraordinary it is… The cost of the third section is 625€
Learn astrology
Courses based on the
student’s own birth chart
SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSWHY AN ASTROLOGY COURSE?Noonehasabetterchancetosucceedinlifethanthose whocanpredictwhatthefutureholds.Forabetter collaborationbetweenluckandfate,free-willanddestiny, astrologicalknowledge,acquiredeasily,rapidlyandina funway,willgiveyoutheopportunitytomaster importanteventsandtoreachthetopofthemountain wecallSUCCESSandthatyouwillclimbatyourownpace, according to your exact needs and projects.HOW LONG DOES THE COURSE LAST? HOW MUCH TIME WILL I PUT INTO IT?The16lessonbeginner’stoadvancedfirstsectionofthe coursehasoriginallybeenplannedtobecompletedin16 weeks(onelessonperweek).Butthereisnopressureon thestudentand,ifyoufeelyouneedmoretime,itmay takeyouuptoayeartoreachthelastlessonwithoutany impedimenttoyourexamanddiploma.Ifoundthata regular20minutesessionperdaywasidealtocomplete therequestedworkinareasonablyshorttime.Butevery oneisdifferentandyourdailyschedulemayormaynot allow you much spare time to study astrology.WHAT DOES THE COURSE INCLUDE?The course is made up of 4 modules of 4 lessons each.Eachmoduleismadeupoffour(4)lessons(inPDFfile format)Anonlineassignmentform(detailsavailableineach lesson)alowsyoutodotherequestedexercisesandemail themtotheschoolforcorrectionandcommentatthe end of each series of four lessons. The course is based on your own birth chartItisdrawnwhenyouenrolandwillbeusedthroughout thecoursetohelpyoulearnhowtoreadandanalyseany chart,beginningwithyours.Ibelievethatlearningfrom one’s own chart helps progressing much faster.Youcanchoosetoworkonanotherchartthanyourown bysimplymentioningitbyemailonceyouhavesentthe enrolmentformtotheSchoolfromthelinkprovided below.NOTETHATEACHMODULEISCOMPLETEANDSELF-SUFFICIENT.Duringtheentiredurationofthecourse, therewillbenothingtobuy,unlessyoudecidetodoso for various reasons.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?Duringthetimeimpartedtoeachlesson,youmustread theproposedmaterialandsubjectAT YOUR OWN PACE. You will also have to do the requested exercises.Attheendofeachmoduleof4lessons,regroupyour exercisesandsendthemtotheSchoolbyemailfor correction.Youmaythenrelaxuntilyoureceivetheseback, before beginning to work on the next set of 4 lessons. ThefourthandlastlessonmoduleincludesyourFIRST DEGREE EXAM.Oncesatisfactorilycompleted,youwillbe awardedwithacertificateofficiallyattestingofyourability tocastandanalyseabirthchartinacorrectandefficient manner.WHAT IS THE COST?It varies. There are three options to choose from:Option 1 - All the relevant material without the corrections of your work Price: 149.00€ CLICK HERE TO ENROLOption 2 - All of the above + correction of your work as you progress, and answers to your questions to help you along.Price:360€ CLICK HERE TO ENROLOption 3 - All of what is included with Option 2, plus:-8half-hoursessionswithLucastodevelop,explainand get help in any way during the entire section.-Onesessioneveryfortnighttobecompletedover sixteen weeks.-ExtrasesssionstobearrangeddirectlywithLucasif need be at a cost of 50€ each.PRICE: 1,050 € CLICK HERE TO ENROLNOTE:Therearetwomoresectionsavailableto students who complete section 1 successfully.-Section2dealswithforecastingusingtheinfluencesof theplanetsduringtheirtransitsaroundthezodiac.Youwill alsolearntoanalyse“SOLARRETURN”chartaforecasting techniqueoveraone-yearperiodbetweentwosucceeding birthdays.Thecostofthatsecondsectionis475€today, but this price may increase in the future.-Section3dealswithfourseparatetechniques:Synastries (comparingtwocharts),Medicalastrology,Worldastrology andChildastrology(tobetterunderstandchildrenand enhancetheirnaturalpotentials).Thatlastsectionisalot ofworkforthestudentandfortheteacherwhohasto read,correctand/orcommentthestudent’swork.Veryfew reachthatthirdlevel.Veryfewfinishthesecondone successfully.Astrologyiseasytostartwith,butitbecomes moreandmoreachallengeasoneprogressesand discovershowextraordinaryitis…Thecostofthethird sectionis625€today,butthispricemayincreaseinthe future and by the time you reach that level of studies.
IntroductionHistory and anecdotesThe zodiacThe Ascendant and the HousesThe zodiacal periodsThe signs of the zodiacThe general tendency of your birth chartThe Fire elementThe Earth elementThe Air elementThe Water ElementThe PlanetsAstronomical correspondencesThe soul of the planetsThe principles of lifeThe planets in the signsThe Moon in the signsMercury in signsVenus in the signsMars in the signsJupiter in signsSaturn in signsUranus in the signsNeptune and PlutoNeptune in signsPluto in the signsThe HousesThe meaning of the HousesHouses and lifeThe symbolism of the Houses I to VIThe symbolism of Houses VII to XIIThe impact of the signs on the HousesHouses in signsThe Night HousesHouse I or Ascendant in signsHouse II in the signsHouse III in signsHouse IV in signsHouse V in signsHouse VI in signsDaytime HousesHouse VII in signsHouse VIII in the signsHouse IX in signsHouse X or MC in signsHouse XI in signsHouse XII in signsThe “natural” rulers of the HousesThe planets in the HousesThe rulers of your HousesSupplementary sectionThe rulers of the Houses in SignsSupplementary sectionThe rulers of the Houses in the HousesThe aspectsThe conjunctionThe SextileThe squareThe TrineThe OppositionThe InconjunctThe orbThe aspects and the HousesSupplementary sectionAspects between planetsThe conjunctionSextile and TrineSquare, Inconjunct and OppositionAspects between the rulers of the HousesHarmonic aspectsDissonant aspectsThe aspects with the angular Houses cuspsSupplementary sectionThe planets in the HousesEnd of the first sectionFIRST DEGREE EXAMCLICK HERE TO ENROLCLICK HERE TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE
Byenrollingtothisastrologycourse,option1,2or3, youwillgainunlimitedaccesstosixteenvideosto supportandcomplementyourstudyandmakeeasier for you to understand the subjects of each lesson. NOTE:thevideosareacomplementtothecourse. Theydonotfollowpreciselythetextandteachingsof eachlesson.Theyarespontaneousanddidactic conference-like explanations.